You can donate to Walker Baptist Church Online using your credit card, checking or savings account. You may make a one-time or recurring gift. "Realm" is our church management software, and contributions will be credited to your giving record as if you had given them at church. An email will be sent to your address with a receipt.
DONATIONS: To make a donation to the church, click on the "Click here to make donations" button. Log into your account or create an account. Look to the right of the giving screen. It will have General Fund as an option. If you are making a donation, there is sometimes more than one option, General Fund and others. If you are not donating to the General Fund, click on the down arrow to select another fund. Enter the amount you wish to donate in the left column. Choose One time or Recurring. Select today. Enter your email address or log-in to your account. Follow the ensuing directions. If you also wish to donate to Another fund, you may use the +Another Fund link, and complete the information for all Funds before leaving the first page.
Email for assistance with online giving.