Walker Baptist Church 1350 W. Main St. Franklin, TN 37064 615-794-7000
Chuck McElhannon, Senior Pastor
Wally Whidby, Youth Pastor
Troy Guttormson, Worship Pastor

Signed in as:
Chuck McElhannon, Senior Pastor
Wally Whidby, Youth Pastor
Troy Guttormson, Worship Pastor
Whether you’re seeking inspiration, community, or just a place to reflect, Walker Baptist Church warmly welcomes you. Come experience uplifting worship, powerful messages, and a sense of belonging in our vibrant atmosphere. Everyone is welcome, regardless of where you are on your faith journey.
Let’s come together and celebrate faith, hope and love. We look forward to seeing you.
Our Mission Statement is available after the Photos
Beginning February 9, Pastor Chuck will preach a 3-part series called WWJU? What would Jesus undo? If Jesus was in my shoes, in my life, what would he do differently? What would he want to change in me?
The messages are [1] Undo Hypocrisy, [2] Undo Spiritual Apathy, and [3] Undo Selfishness. There’s some of that in each of us, isn’t there?
There are several options for adult classes. If you are new to Walker and/or our Sunday School classes, someone will be available to help you select a class.
MESSAGE: Undo Hypocrisy
SCRIPTURE: Matthew 23:27-28
SPEAKER: Chuck McElhannon
Click on the service link below to watch live if you cannot be present in person.
Nursery is available for ages birth - 4 years old.
1350 W Main Street, Franklin, TN 37064
The congregation united in singing the closing chorus “Emmanuel“
Pastor Chuck presents the message “The Journey of the Angels” during the Christmas Program
The preschoolers and youth celebrate Jesus' birth during the Christmas program
The choir and instrumentalists singing and playing during the program “The Way to Bethlehem”
Jeanette and Tom Massey light the advent candle
We welcome our newest member, Audrey Batson, to Walker
Lily Stelter plays Wonderful, Merciful Savior during worship
Pastor Appreciation Day October 21
Dedication of Isabella Grace Buckland
Ordination service of Troy Guttormson as Deacon and Worship Pastor
Walker honored Bill Hannah and Reese Potts with the distinction of Deacon Emeritus. Congratulations!
Pray. Love. Serve. is the new mission statement for Walker 2023 and beyond. Following is a review of the meaning and purpose of this Mission that was introduced in the first three sermons of 2023.
Pray. Our first-level relationship commitment is to God. We strengthen that relationship through ongoing communication with him in prayer, which leads to worship, honor, reverence, respect, and obedience.
Love. Our second-level relationship commitment is to one another (the church). The New Testament is filled with challenges and exhortations to love one another, encourage one another, challenge one another, etc.
Serve. Our third-level relationship commitment is to the world. Our mission is to reach the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ, and the best way we can do that is through our actions. We will serve our fellow man in the spirit of Jesus, and do so with generosity and grace, for that is how Jesus reached us.
Our Mission Statement for Walker Baptist Church. Pray. Love. Serve. May we do so with joy as we follow Jesus.
We follow the doctrines of the Baptist Faith and Message, 2000. A full copy is available at the link below.